How to apply

First of all you need to do a self assessment in order to determine whether your platform can really be considered as a "Powered by FIWARE" Platform or not. So please read carefully the description provided as a guideline for applicants.

Note: Automatic SaaS deployment of context broker instances is a minimal requirement for a "Powered by FIWARE" Platform.

If your platform:

  • does not offer turn-key solutions
  • does not automatically scale and deploy FIWARE Context Broker instances
  • offers SaaS solutions which are not FIWARE based.

It is probable that you will not be successful applying as a "Powered by FIWARE" Platform. If you are not sure, you can always ask for help so that FIWARE experts can give you some advice.

  1. Go to, fill out the registration form, then, edit the “Solution/Service information” and Select the category Powered by FIWARE - Platform.

  2. Fill up the rest of fields providing as much information as possible so that evaluators can revise and, if suitable, grant your platform smoothly. Particularly, it is important that you provide a document which describes which cloud platform has been adopted, how to deploy the FIWARE Generic Enablers automatically (PaaS or Deployment based on Ansible, or any other solution adopted), and the procedure to keep the FIWARE Generic Enablers recipes updated to install them. All this information has to be included in the field “Additional documentation describing the solution”. Bear in mind, that automatic deployment of the FIWARE Context Broker is mandatory.

  3. The Cloud Platform document has to include in the description the following:

    • the mean response time to access the resources
    • the security procedures defined in the platform
    • the different Operating Systems supported, together with the policy to keep them up to date.
  4. If your solution is based on OpenStack and you want to join the FIWARE Lab federation you can contact the FIWARE Lab Support team by email

  5. A live demo with FIWARE Experts will be scheduled in order to see the deployment in action. This will consist of deploying FIWARE Generic Enablers and any predetermined "Powered by FIWARE" Solution in your platform.

  6. You may be asked to provide extra information about your platform. This interview with FIWARE Experts will be scheduled at the same time as the demo in order that they can make an informed decision.

  7. In the event that your platform and satisfies all the requirements, congratulations your Platform will be added to the FIWARE Showcase.